The Orphan Spirit
Genesis 2:16-17 (NLT)
Genesis 3:7-10New Living Translation (NLT)
2 Peter 3:9The Passion Translation (TPT)
9 This means that, contrary to man’s perspective, the Lord is not late with his promise to return,as some measure lateness. But rather, his “delay” simply reveals his loving patience toward you, because he does not want any to perish but allto come to repentance.
James 4:8New Living Translation (NLT)
What does an orphan spirit look like?
“A type of demonic spirit that invades a person’s mind causing a sense of abandonment, loneliness, alienation, and isolation. It often attaches itself to someone who has experienced extreme rejection in his or her life. A person operating out of an orphan spirit compensates these feelings of insecurities by being performance driven, competitive, and works independently. They struggle with self-worth and find it difficult to maintain healthy relationships.”
John 14:15-21New Living Translation (NLT)