Rooted Groups – Start Date September 11th
We are excited to launch a new set of Rooted groups for you to choose from! You can choose a study that interests you, meet new people, and engage with others in a meaningful way. Sign up for any of the six studies using the registration forms below. When you sign up, we’ll make sure we save you a seat in your chosen study. We would like you to commit to attending your chosen Rooted group for the entire six week session. When this session ends, you can choose a different study for the next six week session, topics may vary.
These registration forms are for the Wednesday Rooted groups running from September 11 – October 16, 2019.
We will have our regularly scheduled nursery, pre-school, K-5th, and student services. If you have any questions or need help with registration, please call the church office at (810) 987-3650.
Please register for ONE of the classes below:
Taught by Karmen McMillan
If you’re looking for help navigating the shark infested waters of parenting, then this class is for you! Parents, grandparents and guardians are invited to join us on the great adventure of raising children!
Study of Romans
Taught by Bill Forbes
Paul’s letter to the Romans is a must read book for every believer. It contains powerful truths that transform your life. Join Bill as he journeys chapters 6, 7 and 8 to discover your identity as a brand new creation and connect with the freedom you have through your union with Christ.
Abortion Recovery
Taught by Tammy Forbes
Many believe they’re the only one who had an abortion. In reality, statistics tell us that 1 in 4 women will have an abortion by the age of 45. Few are willing to talk about their abortion because of the shame and regret they feel. As a result, many women are suffering in silence. Join Tammy as she shares her personal story of grief, pain and healing as she recovered from her abortion experience.
This class is only for women who have experienced abortion.
Shifting Atmospheres
Taught by Danielle Oakey
The atmosphere around you is alive with unseen spiritual activity. Shifting Atmospheres is a detailed teaching on how to discern the spiritual forces around us and how to take authority over them. Join Danielle to learn a strategy for victory and how to take dominion over that supernatural environment with your family for the kingdom of God.
Let Prayer Change Your Life
Taught by Nancy Lee
Let Prayer Change Your Life is a practical study that makes prayer a tangible, relational experience with God. Equipping you to feel and see God’s power working in your own life and for those whom you pray. In this teaching Nancy shares a step-by-step approach to having daily regular prayer time and even includes nitty-gritty details such as how to create and maintain a prayer journal to record what God is doing to change your life.
The Battle Plan for Purity
Taught by Barry Sutherland
Seventy percent of teenage boys and men view pornography with some regularity, and nearly half of all teenage boys and men show signs of addiction to porn. If you are a male – you need this class, whether it’s for you personally, or for someone you know. Join Barry as he shares his personal story of turmoil and triumph. He will also provide men with the tools, techniques, and resources to fight the battle for sexual purity and recovery from sexual addiction.
Rebuilt Hearts
Taught by Cristina Sutherland
Ladies, have you been hurt by your husband’s sexual sin or addictions? Do you blame yourself for his struggles? Do you need to know how to help, support and encourage him? We invite you to join Cristina as she shares her personal story of heartache and healing. She will also share tools and resources to help you strengthen your relationship with God and equip you for spiritual warfare.
Training for Reigning
Taught by Tyrone Burrell
Your life is a spiritual journey represented by lessons you need to follow in order to rule and reign with Christ. You can learn more about your own journey by looking at various people in Scripture. Join Tyrone as he investigates the life of David and the four cities he lived in during his lifetime: Bethlehem, Adullam, Hebron, and Zion. Each of these cities represented a specific lesson that you must learn in order to rule and reign with Christ.
The book Training for Reigning by Rick Godwin is suggested