Planted Series
Beginning February 6th, we will be exploring the principles that help us achieve our vision to love God, love people, and change our world. This session of Planted takes place from 6:30-7:45 PM. This will be the Wednesday Bible Study for all adults on these nights. If you are new to following Jesus, have questions about The River, or you are looking to become more involved with our church, we strongly recommend attending every session.
DUE TO WEATHER CANCELLATIONS THIS PLANTED CLASS WILL CONTINUE ON: March 13th, March 20th, March 27th, and April 3rd. If you’d like to view the first two sessions, please check out The River’s Livestream or podcast.
Planted is a required class for anyone desiring to become a member at The River. In order to be considered for membership, four of the six Planted classes must be attended, however each week will be life changing and we’d love for you to attend every class. This six week course will be for the Celebration Wednesday on March 6, 2019. If you’d like to sign up to become a member, be baptized, or dedicate a child on Celebration Wednesday, please see the March 6th date on our events calendar to sign up.
We will continue having Planted classes leading up to Celebration Wednesday in the future. Future classes will be separate from our main Wednesday night study and will require you to sign up. 2019 classes will be available for sign up one month prior to the class date. Future 2019 Planted classes will begin in April, July, and October.